Tequila production process

Victor Manuel Martínez

Victor Manuel Martínez
Centro de Visitantes Casa Sauza

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Handcratfed Tequila? Modernization of the Tequila Industry

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 11, 2018 6:00:45 PM / por Victor Manuel Martínez publicado en TPM, Improvement

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History of Casa Sauza

On several occasions I've had to listen and even smile -with some discomfort- to some "fans" who discuss or question the processes of tequila-making, regardless of the brand or NOM that makes them. I have talked with them, known and even learned of the different criteria that each of the distilleries has for the development of our national drink, and I've realized that is that the lack of communication and maybe some minor ignorance, that has developed in some people -not all-, a misinformation about products traditionally made or "handcrafted", to use their words.

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