Casa Sauza is 100% mexican tradition.
Tequila is the spirit of Mexico and at Sauza the spirit of its people..
Those who for years have been in charge of being the reflection of this tequila house and always carry Mexican pride through this tradition.
Since 1873, more than 5 generations of Mexicans making the best tequilas.
Throughout the years, generations of Mexican families have shared the vision and spirit of Sauza. They have carried on our traditions with Mexican pride.
We care about maintaining our legacy and preserving the essence of Casa Sauza, and do so by instilling the following values in our company, and our employees:
- Pride.
- Innovation.
- Persevarance.
Hour History
A family lineage that changed the industry for ever.
Casa Sauza’s history begins in 1873, when Don Cenobio Sauza founded “La Perseverancia” distillery, and began to produce his first tequilas.
Casa Sauza’s value of innovation is inspired by its founder, who introduced new practices to the tequila-making process with the ultimate goal of improving its quality, and made the first ever tequila export to the United States of America.
Find out how Sauza has conserved its Mexican tradition and spirit over all these years.

Our Mission at Casa Sauza
To be recognized as the best place in the world for producing the best tequila.
Our Vision at Casa Sauza
Make a great tequila to enjoy life, building trust, with an attitude of continuous improvement and high-performance teams.
Meet part of the team of our collaborators:
Servando Calderón
Operations and Process Expert
Fernando Ávila
Master Distiller
Lucila Arias
Manufacturing Development.
Victor Manuel Martínez
Visitors Center
Jessica Padilla
Digital Marketer
Nancy Montoya
HR Director
Luis Reyes
Patrimonial Security
Elizabeth Hernández
Production Planning and Control Manager
Martha Castro
María Liliana Bermudez
Supply Chain Manager
Antonio Álvarez
Specialist Leader in Quality Systems and Documentation.
Berenice García
RRHH Specialist

Our actions caring for the world.

I join the organization as a family.

I value my work and the organization.

Deliver to the client what they had never imagined they wanted, and once they have it, they realize that it is what they have always wanted.

Take care of the physical, mental and spiritual well-being of our collaborators and their families.

Go for it! The goal is within your reach.

I provide my talent to achieve our goals.

Hacer lo correcto aunque nadie nos esté mirando.

I act objectively and without prejudice.

Including the talents of each person, we make the best team.

I love my neighbor as myself.

I do what I say constructively and with talent.

The perfect combination of balance, coordination, speed and endurance.

We share with the world the legacy that has been given to us.