Everything about tequila

Rafael Cornejo Trujillo

Rafael Cornejo Trujillo
Técnico destilador de tequila con más de 37 años de colaborar en la empresa y tercera generación de su familia en trabajar en Casa Sauza.

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What Does a Tequila Distiller Technician do?

[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 5, 2018 3:40:37 PM / por Rafael Cornejo Trujillo publicado en Improvement

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I've been collaborating at Casa Sauza as a distiller technician for more than 37 years and the information I boast about the most, is that some of our tequilas are triple distilled tequilas, like our Tres Generaciones Plata, for example. Let me share this knowledge with you so next time you have one of our triple distilled tequilas, you know you are getting the real thing, for sure.


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