The global trend in human activities is automation which gives workers more time. This new available time can be used for their training as well as for the acquisition of new knowledge.
It is known that most agricultural work requires a lot of physical effort and usually carries some risks since the laborer might suffer injuries or affect his health overall. Field laborers are mainly taught to develop specific activities, but are hardly ever encouraged to think about different ways of making these activities faster and easier. It is therefore important to identify which tasks in the farming process of the agave can be mechanized and why not? even automated. The risks of laborers getting injured would definitely be reduced.
There are those who argue that when mechanizing a job, the source of work of some laborers disappears, but this is not entirely true, since there are some sections of land left that still require human labor. Also, these same laborers can learn to handle the equipment or machines needed for such work, so they receive proper training and their professional development increases.
At Casa Sauza, we work on our worker's development so that they can become more productive with less physical effort and thus, spend more time on the improvement of the tools and processes in which they are involved. Our goal is help our operators acquire the knowledge they need so they can identify which activities can be mechanized and by doing so, actively participate in the mechanization process as well.
An example of job mechanization done at the agave farming, is the use of a mower to trim the leaves. By using this machine, we give our workers more time to spend on operation duties, such like the application of agrochemicals and the pulling of plant shoots, or to support in the Jima work (harvest of the agave). Also, with the use of this machine, we eliminate that part of the leaf where the sharp point is located , reducing thus, the risk of getting pierced by thorns on any part of the body. We specially avoid eye damage.
We first used a vertical mower which helped a lot but was too slow, so we still needed a machine that would move faster. That's when we commissioned our workers to work on the design of a disc mower, which indeed worked better, but still had some important details that needed to be improved.
We then looked for a line machine and found mower specially designed for fruit trees, but it was too big for our needs. So we finally worked with the designer and came up with a machine that has a greater power and that delivered a more even cut. The job was donde much better and faster, giving a solution to many of the problems that we had with the previous machines that we used.
In the case of the Jima, the fact that we now cut the leaves first, reduces both the time in which the agave can be harvested, as well as the risks of getting hands and eyes hurt with thorns.
It is important for us to keep working on the detection of work that is susceptible of mechanization. We must also join our efforts as a team in order to achieve this goal. If you are interested in knowing what other projects is Casa Sauza working on, I suggest you take a look at our next blog post.
Learn more about our up-to-date automation processes! find out how Casa Sauza makes use of artificial vision. Top notch technology at Casa Sauza!
Come and visit Casa Sauza and see for yourself how the modernization of our production processes delivers the purest tequila that you will find in the market.