Regino Valderrama

Lic. En Pedagogía por la Universidad Panamericana. Líder del Pilar de Mejora Enfocada, 11años en Casa Sauza. Mis pasatiempos son leer, excursionismo y natación.Responsable de Abastecimiento estrátegico.

Working with Our Providers to Achieve 0 Defects

In every organization, the journey to the continuous improvement is not an isolated event, that is to say, the provider's role is of vital importance because it's directly connected to failure or success when implementing any improvement strategy. Find out which are the items you should include in a Providers Development Program to assure meeting your goals and targets in the Continous Improvement projects.

What Certifications are Needed to Become a Sauza Supplier?

It is very important for us, at tequila Sauza, that all of our suppliers comply with the ethical...

Becoming a Casa Sauza Supplier

More than requirements or demands per se, at Casa Sauza we look for those suppliers who can offer a...