Adrián Montes Arévalo

-Líder Especialista Mantenimiento de Planta. -Antigüedad: 15 años -Proyectos: Internet of Things, Automatización en Planta, Eliminación de Averías con análisis 6 Gen, 12 pasos, análisis PM Gestión temprana -Pasatiempos: Jugar ajedrez, practicar fútbol soccer y el autoestudio.

How to Achieve Zero Breakdowns in the Tequila Production Process

One of any industry's challenge is to achieve zero breakdowns in order to avoid re-works and stoppages of their production lines, since they translate into extra costs. Find out how we've handled this at Casa Sauza.

Internet of Things in Predictive Maintenance

The Internet of Things is the next great step in the technology industry, since it allows us to...