Juan José Ramos

Líder especialista en seguridad, higiene y ecología.

Waste Impact in the Tequila Industry

En mis diez año In my ten year’s experience in the Tequila Industry, I've noticed that some of the most frequently asked questions are What environmental impact is the waste (generated in the tequila industry) generating? And What is Casa Sauza doing to avoid contaminating? In the first place, I think is convenient to understand some concepts before we talk about this subject in more detail and give answers to these interesting questions.

The Importance of Water Safety in the Tequila Industry

Water is without a doubt one of our scarcest resources. This may seem like a contradictory...

Sustainable Waste Management in Casa Sauza Tequila Industry

One of the Casa Sauza principal commitments, it's to be environmentally friendly in all the...

Options for Waste Treatment in the Tequila Industry

In the industry, there are many times when we don't know how to properly handle the waste we...