Tequila process

Kinds of Industrial Maintenance at the Tequila Industry

Written by Gisela Esmerio | Dec 20, 2021 4:43:34 PM

The maintenance that we run at Casa Sauza is classified in different kinds. I will here explain each one of them as well as their benefits.

How many kinds of maintenance are there?

There are currently many ways to call the different kinds of maintenance that there are yet, they all lead to the same approach, in which the main objective is the preservation of the technical equipment or its restoration to its original functioning state, as well as the assessment of the current technical resources of a system.

We at Casa Sauza, mainly classify maintenance into two kinds: Preventive Maintenance and Corrective Maintenance.

Preventive Maintenance

El objetivo del Mantenimiento Preventivo es el mantener los equipos en condiciones óptimas de funcionamiento con la finalidad de prevenir alguna avería o fallo, la ventaja de este es que maximiza el desempeño del equipo por ende la productividad todo esto a un bajo costo.

El mantenimiento preventivo lo sub-clasificamos en 3 tipos:

  • Mantenimiento Basado en Tiempo
  • Mantenimiento
  • Basado en Condiciones por último Inspección

Este mantenimiento se realiza de diferentes maneras es por ello que lo clasificamos dependiendo de cada una (MBT, MBC e Inspección).

1 Time-Based Maintenance (TBM)

This kind of maintenance works by replacing the equipment pieces according to either the cycles recommended by its producer, or the experience of the technicians, who define how often the pieces must be changed before they actually break down. The benefits of this kind of maintenance are that inspections are not as needed and that we prevent breakdowns by carrying out a time-based routine.

2 Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM).

This kind of maintenance is carried out by evaluating the equipment's current conditions making use of diagnosis and measurement tools such as: vibration analysis, thermographies, earthing systems, etc... The benefit of this kind of maintenance is that we avoid maintenance based on excessive-time.

3 Inspection-based and Reparation.

This maintenance carries out routine inspections of the equipment to ensure that it is all in optimal operating conditions otherwise, failures are it reported for their correction.

Corrective Maintenance

Corrective maintenance is carried out once a failure or breakdown takes place. Once the failure is detected, the situation is analyzed and the actions needed in order to reestablish the optimal operating conditions of the equipment are carried out.

This kind of maintenance is low-cost since no inspections or replacements are carried out unless a failure occurs. Yet, it turns out to be very expensive in the long run since, the more equipment that we keep in constant use (under no CBM), the more failures will happen, which will considerably affect production.

We at Casa Sauza try to prioritize Preventive Maintenance so we can avoid Corrective Maintenance as much as possible yet, we are still working on it.

If you want to learn more about Casa Sauza, you can either keep reading our Tequila Production Process blog or even come to Casa Sauza yourself and experience the whole process on-site. You will love not just coming to Casa Sauza but to Tequila, Jalisco as well!