Tequila process

Safety in the Agave Mobilization

Written by Luis Reyes | Dec 21, 2021 4:17:39 PM

In my 8 years experience as a risk prevention specialist in the Patrimonial Safety area in Casa Sauza, one of the biggest problems that the tequila industry has faced in the last years is the theft of the Agave Tequilana Weber. Discover how have we coped with this problem.

Preventive Measures to Mobilize the Agave Tequilana Weber (Blue Variety) inside and outside the Denomination of Origin protected territory.

The agave is a plant that throughout two centuries has been an important support of the tequila agro-industry and the agriculture in the Tequila, Jalisco region, as well as in Los Altos de Jalisco.



How much Agave is it planted?

In the last years, this crop has increased its importance in the agriculture because nowadays there are approximately 110,000 hectares and 316 million plants. This agro-industry generates tons of foreign currency, the result of the tequila export.

The price competition and the lack of a Norm or Regulation in other industries (inuline, syrups, and agave distillate) foster an informal culture among the industries and rise up the agave price.

This price increase incites the organized crime to generate thefts to the tequila raw material inside the facilities or even to attack the transportations while they are loaded with agaves. This illicit action has a consequence of millions of losses to the tequila industry.

With the goal of minimizing the agave transportations thefts and in general the losses of Agave Tequila Weber (Blue Variety), Casa Sauza working together with other tequila industries and with the CRT (Consejo Regulador del Tequila), including the SEDER, SAGARPA, and LA FISCALIA DEL ESTADO DE JALISCO as well as other industries (inuline, syrups, and agave distillate) participated in an advisory table regarding the subject of "Agave Theft".

In the mentioned table, several issues and action lines were discussed, as well as ideas to implement strategies, review the actual norms and regulations, and debate the increasing problem of the agave theft. One of the agreements that were established by the end of the session, was to meet a series of requirements to mobilize the agave plant.

The control mechanism that the CRT has implemented to know the origin and destiny of the agave in the tequila industry is the agave transfer passport, which includes the following data:

  • · An unique folio number in each passport
  • · Emission and expiration date in the document
  • · Place of emission
  • · Agave fields data
  • · Agave producer data
  • · Buyer data
  • · Agave fields coordinates
  • · Name, signature of the official issuer, and the CRT Stamp

The Agave Tequilana Weber (Blue Variety): The Goal of Mobilization

1.-For the tequila industry consumption:
  • Transfer agave passport emitted by the CRT
  • Proper vehicle
  • 7 and 14 mts truck

2 For the inuline industry consumption:

  • Transfer Guide, emitted by the SAGARPA, SENASICA, SEDER
  • Proper vehicle
3.- For the syrup industry consumption
  • · Torton Truck
  • · Trailer (cage)

Legal Transfer Requirements:

1.-For the tequila industry consumption:
  • Transfer agave passport emitted by the CRT
  • Proper vehicle
  • 7 and 14 mts truck
2.- For the inuline industry consumption:
  • Transfer Guide, emitted by the SAGARPA, SENASICA, SEDER
  • Proper vehicle
3.- For the syrup industry consumption
      • · Transfer Guide, emitted by the SAGARPA, SENASICA, SEDER
      • · Proper vehicle

      Besides the other requirements, the whole agave mobilization has to be supported with a copy of the proof of inscription in the official agave fields and legal documents that protect the ownership of the product.

      To generate reports on time, we created a WhatsApp group chat in order to use it and share relevant information to be able to make decisions including the Unique State Force. In Casa Sauza we keep working together, sharing our safety practices with the goal of reducing traffic accidents, agave thefts, and crimes.

      As a conclusion, the importance of integrating every production chain, raw material's transfers, preventive norms, the willingness of other industries and the supervision of authorities to the agricultural conditions are key point strategies to have agreements in common and protect our agaves inside and outside the Denomination of Origin territory. 

      Keep reading the following articles for more information about:

      Continuous Improvement at Casa Sauza

      How to Check a Trailer's Box, Assure its Load in order to Ship Tequila