Tequila process

ISO Norm in Casa Sauza: The Documented Information

Written by Antonio Alvarez | Dec 23, 2021 2:08:02 PM

With the responsibility of maintaining the ISO certifications, in Casa Sauza we are conscious that just having the documents is not enough, we have to pay special attention to our employees, the different activities and processes, the product quality and safety, as well as the environment and health plans at work.

It is necessary to know these norms at a depth level and apply them correctly in all the aspects of our daily activities. Common sense was fundamental to achieve this goal, but the processes backup of doing them as planned, depend on the documented information that the operator has.

The Duty of Elaborating Documents

Originally, the Quality Administration System documents were elaborated by a reduced group of people who were responsible of the processes. Internal audits revealed that these documents met all the ISO requirements, but they were not properly applied to the employees performing the activities in the different stages of the process.

The responsibility of updating the documents passed to the process operator; it seemed like a re-process, but it actually was a great training exercise and allowed us to be more conscious of our actions. The operators worked more organized in the following stages of the process and under the supervision of their leader, they updated the information being congruent with the ISO Norms. Today, we can say that the operators are the providers of the information necessary to update the official documents of our processes


The Support for the Documented Information

To eliminate the paper usage in printed documents and reduce the time to update the operations manual, several information kiosks were installed. The first ones in Casa Sauza, were placed at some points close to the operators, they were provided with a computer connected to the Beam network and had an access to the software that supports the whole Documents System. These kiosks had the goal to keep available the documents to everyone, having a common password and allowed the operators to read the documents from any computer.

Through time, a wireless network was installed and more employees had access to the computer tools, assigning personalized codes and passwords, migrating this way all the hard paper documents to an electronic format. The most valuable benefit was the elimination of paper and wasted time in the operations manual updates. Our Management Director said: "We need to progress in line with the technological advances".

Document Control Software

The people in charge of generating information are the responsible of creating it, keeping it updated and adapted to the needs of the company, taking into count the confidentiality requirements. Every Beam Suntory company are using today the same platform network to have a document control. This allows us to share documents, have access to them 24/7, and even consulting them in other places.

The system is very safe because it helps us to restrict the access to certain confidential documents, that only authorized employees can access using a user code and a special password. All our documents are congruent with the ISO Norms and the Casa Sauza strategies. They meet a strategic function of integrating all the information related to the quality and safety of our products, the environmental performance, and health at work. Our documents are constantly revised to keep them updated and flexible within the constant changes and trends regarding our processes.

I recommend you to download our free e-Book about the ISO Norms, and read the next articles and learn more about the ISO Norms, Quality Certifications and all the official standards that make Casa Sauza, the best tequila producer.

Continuous Improvement at Casa Sauza: ISO 9001

Importance of Planned Maintenance