Tequila process

Access Control Security at Casa Sauza

Written by Hugo Reyes | Dec 28, 2021 4:10:31 AM

In my year of experience as a Security Assistant at Casa Sauza, within the area of Patrimonial Security, I have come to understand what Access Control is, as well as its objective and importance. I will share this information with you here.

When we speak of Access Control, we are referring to all those mechanisms, mainly of prevention and detection when entering/accessing our facilities, carried out to physically protect any financial resource of the company.

The objective is to have a better control of the facilities and to provide greater security in each of the areas, by:

  • Safeguarding the equipment, parts and assets
  • Protecting the information and dcouments of Tequila Sauza
  • Avoiding unauthorized access

Access Control Procedure at Casa Sauza

Broadly speaking, having an Access Control Security procedure to make sure that all access to our facilities will be made in compliance with our Security regulations. All of Sauza's employees, subcontractors, contractors, visitors, suppliers or practitioners who are working at or visiting our facilities, must follow this regulations.

The Sauza employee must always insert his authorized ID badge in the readers of the areas to which he has an authorized access, even when the door to this area is open (if applicable). The employee should never lend his ID badge to any other person. The authorized ID badge is for personal use only and is non-transferable.

What does the Access Control Policy State?

  • Employees Access (pedestrian or vehicular). All administrative, subcontracted or unionized employees must insert their ID badge in the readers for its Access Control authorization.
  • Visitors Access. People who occasionally come Casa Sauza's facilities, either for a few hours or a whole day, must register in our visitor's book and show their official ID. The security guard will provide them with a green sticker that reads "visitor" and it must be carried (where visible) at all times within our facilities. The visitor's book will be filled with the personal information showed in the visitor's ID. If one of our employees has scheduled this visit, he will have to previously email our Security Department about it and mention the visitor's information as well. In case the visitor arrives unexpectedly, the Security staff will contact the Sauza employee that he has come to see in order to validate his access. This visitor can not enter our facilities until the Sauza's employee with whom the appointment will be held, comes to the reception for him. At this visitor's departure, the Sauza's employee will have to walk him out and register his exit as well.
  • Contractors Access. The Sauza employee responsible of the Contractor's visit will first register his visitation at Sauza's Strategic Supply Department or at Technical Services. He will then have to request the Department of Patrimonial Security to register this access as well. Afterwards, the Contractor's Registration Documentation must be delivered. Once his entry is authorized, he must register at Access Control in the contractor's electronic control system. He will be provided an orange ID sticker that reads Contractor. This sticker should not be removed during his stay at Casa Sauza facilities. He should always wear a yellow safety vest (which should be provided by his company, not Sauza).
  • Tourists Access. All tourists that want to enter our facilities must first sign a commitment letter in which agree to commit to respect the internal regulations of Casa Sauza. The entry of under-age tourists to the facilities is only allowed if this commitment letter is filled out. Tourists are provided with a brown safety helmet, as well as an orange safety vest with a "tourist" legend on its back. The tourist's entrance to the plant is located at the emergency door, which is next to El Rehilete. This visit has to be previously authorized by the Patrimonial Security area.

To wrap things up, carrying out an Access Control allows you to keep record of how many people enter the plant and makes sure that their entry has been previously authorized. This is also why all of our accesses are monitored 24/7 by a security element, as well as by a CCTV team. 

You are always more than welcome to come to Casa Sauza. We have several guided tours that you can choose from according to your own interests. Visit Tequila, Jalisco, get to know where tequila was born and how it is produced!