Tequila process

The 4 M's Faultless Industrial Process

Written by Guillermo Padilla González | Dec 22, 2021 12:09:56 AM

In my experience in the tequila industry, I've noticed that it is very important to consider how some elements are connected inside the process areas and sometimes they originate faults. These must be analyzed and controlled in order to eliminate re-processes with a high cost for the industry.

In this brief article I will talk to you about the importance of considering these elements within the process, and how to revise  them in an integral and individual way to obtain a flawless result.

The Origin of Faults

In Casa Sauza some time ago, we were facing a big number of re-doing, re-processes, and downtime, material waste, etc. This was originated by several faults in the equipment, personal's lack of experience, bad method applications, incorrect use of materials, etc. This made us look up for an alternative to eliminating the faults.

We considered that it was a good idea to use a tool that allowed us to improve our process and decrease faults and re-doing as well as reduce our downtime and the environmental impact of our industry.

History of the 4 M's

In the history of industry. several problems have occured especially in the production process for example: defects in the final product, work accidents, equipment faults, that altogether they add up to huge economic losses.

The 4M´s are part of the production process and if they are not supervised from the beginning, they may originate certain faults that later on really affect the company. That is to say that they may generate defects, re-doing, accidents and/or incidents, equipment's wear, stopping the wok lines, etc. All of these dysfunctions must be revised to obtain the quality we want in our products.

What are the 4 M´s?

The 4 M´s are the simplified abbreviations of:

  1. Man Power
  2. Machinery (equipment)
  3. Method
  4. Materials.

The first “M”, refers to the Man Power or labor force, which are the ones responsible of doing the activities regarding any process, manual, semi-automatic or totally automatic.

The second “M”, refers to the Machinery, in terms of all the equipment that is used and the whole mechanic and automatic part of the process, that is where the manufacturing activities are performed.

The third “M”, refers to the Method, that is to say, the procedure or methodology implemented to use in any operation.

The fourth and last “M”, is for Materials and/or raw material which we use to manufacture our products, by its own or with others.

In my experience, knowing at depth the 4 M's as possible causal elements when a fault appears, allows us to quickly identify the problem and solve it as soon as possible, avoiding re-doing and quality faults, that is to say, we save time and money.

I invite you to keep reading other blog posts such as:

Come and visit Casa Sauza so you can learn how the modernization of our production processes deliver the purest tequila that you will find in the market.